Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:17 AM

3.7 mi


7:01 mi


46 F


Temp 46 (40) Wind 12 mph.

Long Run with Stuff. Weather Channel off the mark all the way around. Ten degrees warmer than forecast and rain arrives over an hour early. Luckily, only light to intermittent sprinkles.

(1) Start with 1.76 miles jogging at 8:42 average pace. House to hill at Russell and Cascade. (2) 6 x 0:12-0:14 second hill repeats with 2:0X walk intervals. (3) Another 2.08 miles jogging at 8:05 average pace. City Park to Jr. High Track.

(4) AT Tempo Run. Started and finished with a lap on the track. Over to The Orchards and back hitting all five hills in each direction one time each. Planned on going 20:00, ended up going 25:55. Total of 3.70 miles at 7:01 average pace. First 11:XX minutes at 7:02 average pace, last 14:XX at 6:59 average pace. Damn smooth, even, and strong. Always an eye-opener doing an AT run in daylight and getting the reminder of how much easier and quicker they can be.

(5) Back on the track for 8 x 200 with 200 jogs. Not exactly 200 as will be floating between inside lanes and taking the turns as gentle as possible. Won't attempt to do these at 30 like the 3:24:XX marathoners around here do, but will do them under total control with eight miles of hills and whatnot weighing on my legs and lungs. And we go:

45:39 (6:08)

46:83 (6:05)

45:70 (6:00)

45:07 (5:55)

45:65 (5:56)

45:12 (5:52)

44:93 (5:56)

44:20 (5:42)

Those will work. Not an exercise physiologist, but suspect the training effect will be better than 30s???

(6) Finish with a 3.81 mile cool down. Back to the house at 8:31 average pace. All systems clicking this morning. A bunch (16) of pennies and two dimes.
