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5:06 AM

4.6 mi


9:31 mi


72 F


Temp 72 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 81% Dew Point 66°

AT Tempo on Track / Hilly Streets. Forgot to set my alarm, overslept, and screwed the pooch on the time I had this morning for a long run workout. Tempo = 26:44 minutes @ 7:52 average pace. First 5:00 and last 6:00 minutes on track, middle minutes on hilly roads. Splits: 7:55 / 7:55 / 7:49 / 3:03 (7:44). As I age, executing workouts properly is becoming less and less about hot, cold, humidity, wind, etc. and more and more about daylight v. pre-dawn darkness.
