Run: Easy Previous Next


5:22 AM

3.3 mi


8:45 mi


23 F


Temp 23 (13) Wind 9 mph.

General Fitness. Zatopek attitude towards weather. Don't care, ignoring it. Take a 15:00 minute route to the park. Hit 5 x hill sprints to prime for tempo.

Planned to go 2 x 10:00 minutes at AT with a 5:00 minute jog interval. Loop park and pick up Oak Street heading west. First 10:00 (10:05 spot checking time since I could not hear the alerts with covered ears in the wind) at 7:27 average pace. Jog interval on Oak Street decline, so shorten recovery jog to 3:00 minutes. Bumpy start to second 10:00 minutes as depth perception in the darkness messed with getting my stride length adjusted to allow correct turnover. Found it about mid-way through and cruised to the end. Another 10:49 minutes at 7:24 average pace on hilly terrain. Overall tempo = three plus miles, just shy of 24:00 minutes, and averaged 7:33. That'll work.

Easy cool down back to the house. 1.60 miles at 8:43 average pace. Another quarter and two more pennies.
