Run: Easy Previous Next


2:50 PM

7.6 mi


7:52 mi


42 F
  • Map

McLane Park


Temp 42 Winds 5 mph.

20/20/20 Run. Parts of trail loops under water from snow melt, so having to use trail, roads and parking lots. 20:00 minutes up. 2.41 miles. Not getting loose, so throw in an extra surge.

Cover 2.86 miles during 3/4s effort. Splits of 6:56 / 7:03 / 6:01 (7:01). Down of 2.37 miles. Off and on "calf" issues. Less calf during run, and more numbness in lower leg and foot. Riding home in car, more dull ache and numbness in HS and hip. Have also noticed the numbness in foot last couple of days when sitting on hard chairs. Leaning towards this being a nerve issue rather than a leg issue.
