Run: Easy Previous Next


4:28 AM

4 mi


8:53 mi


58 F


Temp 58 Wind 12 mph.

Medium Run Workout. Had accumulated several hours lost sleep between Monday and Wednesday night, so took Thursday off entirely to hit it fresh this morning.

1) About 16:00 Minute Jog to Track.

2) One Lap Surge/Stride Straights - Walk Turns.

3) Two Laps Strength Intervals (Plyo Jumps/Bounding/Springing/High-Knees/Strides).

4) Six Laps Each Direction AT Tempo Intervals (1st Six @ 7:38 Average Pace/One Lap Jog/2nd Six @ 7:33 Average Pace).

5) Another 16:00 Minute Jog Back to House.

Rusty first AT interval. Even effort, but choppy. Settled into smooth auto-glide on second. Easy to stay AT in this weather.
