Run: Easy Previous Next


4:40 AM

6.9 mi


8:59 mi


71 F


Temp 71 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 98% Dew Point 70 degrees.

Hour @ Easy Effort w/ Drills and Striders. Air quality in the dumpster. Would have to improve immensely to suck. No significant rain for over a month now and can almost taste the grit. Hard to breath and today's pace reflective of that. 'Nuff bitchin', its summer in Missouri. Two mile route to track for full and extended drill and strider set. Keeping striders no faster than 5K effort. Running splits progressed from 9:09 to 8:26. HS did not feel as uncomfortable throughout Tuesday. No twinges today; however, area is noticably more fatigued than other leg muscles. One more test run on Thursday. If all goes well, its back to real business on Friday.
