Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:54 AM

4.4 mi


7:33 mi


76 F


Temp 76 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 87% Dew Point 72°.

AT Tempo Intervals. Jog to the track and prime with one lap of surges. Walked the turns for recoveries. Workout is 3 x 9:00 minutes "on" with 3:00 minute jog recoveries. Start with three laps on the track before finishing on streets / hills.

#1) 9:02 @ 7:16 average pace.

#2) 8:07 @ 7:18 average pace.

#3) 9:19 @ 7:21 average pace.

Sucks to be old and too deaf to hear watch alerts and too blind to see time with the backlight on display. Stopped too soon on #2. Hills this morning a totally different ballgame. Luckily had settled into a good stride/effort on the track and was able to carry that over without too significant of a slow down. 2-mile course is an out-and-back, so worked a 180° turnaround into reps #2 and #3. Leg fatigue late in #2 from humidity and cushy soles on shoes.

Short mile and a half cool down jog back to the house.
