Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


6:44 AM

1.2 mi


11:19 mi


74 F
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Temp 74 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 88% Dew Point 71°. Warmed to 80° with 84° Heat Index.

Long Run. CBEM co-founders back at Arena after for what seems like forever. Warm-up jog of 4.39 miles at 7:49 average pace. Kept it in the park to keep eye on barefoot dude (obviously hopped up on something) and our vehicles. He's wandering around asking for location of coke machine (exactly what do you mean by "coke") and to borrow cell phone because cousin stole his after they went swimming in creek and he lost his shoes, etc.... Hammer grabs his bike and is off for a ride. Finish my warm-up with full drill set and four striders. Three short and one medium distance.

Workout this morning is 55:00 minute AT Run. Brought the Hattori LCs. Only worn these for one previous (and shorter) workout; however, think (1) the wide toe box will be more comfortable on my busted toe, and (2) will help keep me from getting lazy and slamming my feet into the ground. Will be alternating inner flat loops with outer hilly loops. Go 7.91 miles at 6:58 average pace:

11:22 minutes (flat) at 7:09 average pace. Nice disciplined start in the heat / humidity.

11:45 minutes (hills) at 7:06 average pace. Relaxed and rolling.

9:31 minutes (flat) at 6:54 average pace. Whoops, took it down a little too much coming off the hills.

11:54 minutes (hills) at 6:56 average pace. Back under control and just about spot on.

10:28 minutes (flat) at 6:42 average pace. Again maybe a little too fast, but not by much.

Overall another good solid run. Physically felt strong and cardio humming. Almost "easy" until last 6:00 to 8:00 minutes, and looking at numbers, that was probably due to the speed up coming off the second round of hills.

Put the Brooks back on for the cool-down and it feels like I am running on sponges. Short 1.53 miles at 7:08 average pace. Legs are still churning. One dime this morning.
