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8:16 AM

4.9 mi


7:15 mi


33 F
  • Map


Temp 33 (26) Wind 10 mph.

Sunday Run. Ugly, damp morning. Big household project yesterday and my back is trashed. Not a whole lot of energy in general. Start with 4.07 miles at 8:22 average pace. Drills and striders. Strides are flat and only topping out in the low 6s.

Plan was 24:00 at AT followed by 3 x 1200s. Think I was finished before I started. No energy and back was numb. Was only at about 7:10ish-7:15ish after 12:00 minutes and could tell that was about as far as it was going. Went ahead and ran out two full hilly loops (4.14 miles at 7:07 average pace), then jogged a short 6:XX minute cool-down. Done.
