Run: Recovery Previous Next


5:01 AM

3.9 mi


9:18 mi


56 F


Temp 56 Wind 5 mph.

Recovery Run. Have to work from home all week. Will allow for methodical active recovery over several days without hours of windshield time to set me back one step for every two forward.

Spent about three miles yesterday seeking any shade available along CR 620. Trade off was three miles on awkward camber. Right hip aches, quad sore, and knee feels rattled. Fine when moving, but sitting and standing uncomfortable. Have a mild sunburn to boot.

Desperate to get acclimated to summer weather. Have felt the negative effects to a greater degree than the actual temperature, humidity, and dew points would indicate. Lot has to do with all the frequent late spring chill patterns. Think there's also been some mental "pile on" with two longer races and the fact that of my 22+ racing miles in the last month, about 19 of them have been ran on solo efforts from the front of the pack.

Dime, nickel, and six pennies.
