Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:56 AM

5.2 mi


7:39 mi


72 F


Temp 72 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 94% Dew Point 70°.

Long Run with 40:00 Minute Hilly AT Tempo. Last and longest hilly tempo in current cycle. Coming off 190 mile month, less than 24 hours from lower body strength workout, humid morning, and running in dark. Will be big test of fitness and mental focus. Jog for 20:00 minutes with a few short surges. Bit choppy. Will need to ease into tempo.

Cover 5.23 miles on tempo at 7:39 average pace. Was at 7:44 after 10:00 minute alert. Tad too fast a start for this length of workout. Relaxed without hitting the breaks too hard, and worked the rest of the minutes on staying under control and evening out the effort to avoid turning this into a hammer-fest. Very little traffic, and was able to run most of the way in the middle of the streets. Made things much easier, and able to get in good, solid overall effort. Mile splits: 7:42 / 7:47 / 7:44 / 7:35 / 7:32 / 1:40 (7:20).

Finished off with another 45:00+ shuffling around town. Two quarters, three dimes, a nickel, and a penny.
