Run: Easy Previous Next


4:45 AM

4.2 mi


8:09 mi


43 F


Temp 43 (41) Wind 5 mph.

Strength Endurance / Fast Twitch Day. Nice morning. Doesn't feel as cool as the thermometer reads. Start with slow jog on alternate route to the track. 2.33 miles at 8:18 average pace.

Strength Endurance Circuit. Conservative estimates of distances based on (middle lanes) track position: 200m strider / 10 x squat jumps / 100m strider / 100m jog / 50m springing / 50m jog / 50m springing / 50m jog / 100m strider / 100m jog / 100m bounding / 100m jog / 100m bounding / 100m jog / 100m strider / 100m jog / 8 x squat jumps / jogged into final 100m strider.

Back to the house. 1.91 miles at 7:58 average pace.
