Run: Easy Previous Next


4:38 AM

4 mi


9:22 mi


74 F


Temp 74 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 73 degrees.

Warm-up and cool-down for intervals. Heavy haze on the ground. Running with head down and didn't see him until he was almost past me, but think that may have been Paul S. on the other side of the road heading the opposite direction in the dark. Jog down to the track, skipping, butt kicks, high-knee skipping, and two striders. Total warm-up 2.31 miles in 21:17. Stretched some more before workout.

Polished off most of my water after workout, then followed that with more stretching. Elderly gentleman I see often walking the track in the mornings stops to tell me about his grandson who just graduated the Air Force Academy and ran Boston this year. Nice chat. Very easy jog home, barely above a walk. 1.68 miles in 16:04.
