Run: Run/Walk Previous Next


5:13 AM

4.6 mi


12:21 mi


66 F
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Temp 66 Winds Calm. Humidity 97% Dew Point.

Hour Easy Run/Walk. Went out the door with a structured plan, ended up turning it into more of a "fartlek" session. Ankle no longer bothering me during day-to-day activities; including walking and biking. Still notice it, to some degree or another, about 90% of the time when running.

Started with 10:00 minute walk.

Next 5:00 minute jog at 9:14 average pace. Iffy first 200m, but then discomfort eased up and finished fine. Been doing all my running on Boxwood/Lilac loop which is mostly flat with only small inclines and declines.

5:00 minute walk.

Since last one felt better at the end than the start, decided to go 10:00 minutes on next jog. Averaged 8:39 pace. Notice that ankle is more an issue on inclines and left turns, so...

Take a 10:00 minute walk interval and go walk up the hill on Greenleaf once and Redbud (the steepest in the neighborhood) twice.

Last 5:00 (5:51) minute jog interval at 8:20 average pace. Glutes, hip flexor, and adductors got a little tight during walk interval and had some problems getting back into a comfortable flow. Had a few missteps and ankle immediately screamed at me. Loud enough that the missteps were never more than one or two in a row.

Finish with final 10:00-plus minute walk. Two more trips up Redbud, then back to the house.

Little surprised after downloading Garmin data that I was running at that pace? Will be interesting to see this weekend's Flatlanders results. Appears that I can go a little over 4.5 miles in an hour walking 40 of the 60 minutes. Would get me between 26-28 miles in 6 hours...where would that get me in the OA results??
