Run: Long Previous Next


7:06 AM

9.5 mi


7:50 mi


30 F
  • Map


Temp 30 (25) Wind 5 mph.

Long Run. Great to have the whole CBEM crew back together. Cold, damp, and icy fog. One of those chill-to-the-bone mornings. We're all in different places right now with recoveries and race prep, so nothing complicated today. All just mostly doing our own thing.

South out and back. 5.22 miles at 7:58 average pace. Back at base, chat it up a while, then use the parking lot for a drill and strider set. More chatting, then I head back out on the north trail for another 4.28 miles at 7:38 average pace.

First double digit day in over a month. Brick and mortar, brick and mortar, day by day, week by week...building back up.
