Run: Repeats Previous Next


5:33 AM

0.7 mi


18:11 mi


40 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 40 Wind 3 mph.

Sharpening Day. Barely a creature was stirring and only one other runner. Ate a piece of pecan pie and a couple of cookies yesterday. First significant amount of processed sugar in over a month. Went to bed with a headache and woke up with one. Point taken.

Started with about 20:00 minutes of jogging. Recovered before hitting 6 x hill sprints. Was flying up the hill by the 4th or 5th. Walked back across the creek to begin a 10:00+ minute fartlek run up and down Parkview. Consisted of four surges at 3K effort mixed with jogging and walking. Anticipate field of 400+. Should be one the top 25-30 overall, so good chance there will be 3-4 dozen blast off the starting line. Started each "strider" standing still in starting line position. Worked on fast start and finding my stride quickly. Guessing I will not have much of a chance to do my own thing. Will have to move with traffic from the gun or get buried again like Stafford. Speed topping out around 5:45 this morning. Well, OK. Finished the morning with another 10:00ish minute jog back to the house. More than I would have guessed...dime and three pennies.
