Run: Intervals Previous Next


8:25 AM

7 mi


6:34 mi


29 F
  • Map


Temp 29-48 Winds Calm to 7 mph.

Strength Intervals. CBEM originals only this morning. Cold start. Sun started to warm things up just enough to work up a good sweat. Next came the clouds and a cool breeze. Came with a chill and left with one.

Up = 4.16 miles at 7:52 average pace. Extended drill and strider set as I was doing as much gabbing as I was drilling and striding.

Workout = 4 x 1.5 miles with 400 (0.25) jog intervals. Intervals cut from 800 to 400. Once again, goal is to work down to 6:20 pace. Back up to four reps for workout, so not as concerned with numbers on first one.

Average Paces = 6:21 / 6:24 / 6:23 / 6:22. Two things: (1) Damn my legs are tired, and (2) Those will do the trick.

Down = Short one. 1.69 miles at 8:04 average pace.
