Run: Easy Previous Next


5:08 AM

5.6 mi


8:45 mi


75 F


Temp 75 Winds Calm. Humidity 95% Dew Point 73°.

Easy 50:00 Minutes. First time out in the latest pair of A6s. Primary focus on foot strike to ensure they form correctly on my feet. Quarter, dime, two nickels, and four pennies.

Equipment objective this summer was to (1) find different brand / model of lightweight trainers, (2) work new pair of A6s into the rotation, and (3) find another back up Garmin 305 before they become extinct. Budget $300. Pair of Vazee for $110, A6s for $79, and 305 for $100. Less the $70-$80 bucks I've picked up off the streets, we'll call this task a success.
