Run: Easy Previous Next


4:45 AM

4.1 mi


7:55 mi


66 F


Temp 66 Winds Calm. Humidity 91% Dew Point 63°.

(About) 30:00 Minutes Easy with Striders. Legs feel like they did longer hill repeats yesterday for the first time in weeks.

Up = 2.15 miles at 7:54 average pace. Jogged over to the Money Lot for striders.

Striders = 4 x short (60m) with full jog / walk recoveries.

Down = 1.96 miles at 7:55 average pace.

Felt like a day off. Money lot lives up to its name again. Quarters (4), dimes (8), nickels (3), and pennies (10). Three full cycles and $2.05 total for the morning.
