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4:40 AM

0.9 mi


3.68 mi / hr


Grid Type A5


47 F


Temp 47 Winds Calm.

Intervals. Test four of five. Adding some faster intervals into the mix. Walked for 10:00 minutes before running and then 5:00 minutes afterward. Jogged 2.19 miles at 8:30 pace for warm up. Busy morning. Had crossed paths with nine runners and walkers by 5:00 a.m. Another three during workout.

Track closed, so using Parkview. Workout is 6 x 200 (0.13) with equal jog intervals. Not too worried about first two, but looking to finish at 5K-3K effort. Maybe 6:00 flat? Go 6:15 / 6:14 / 6:20...not sure what happen there with pace on number three, but felt mechanics start to come together. 6:08 / 6:08 / 6:02. Last one fastest, but two before were the prettiest. Not done this for over three months, so needs some work. Um, yeah.

Finish with a 2.13 mile jog back to the house at 8:52 average pace. Probably could have selected a more well lit route. Most of time spent feeling my way through the darkness. Dime and two pennies.
