Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:06 AM

5.5 mi


7:17 mi


51 F


Temp 51 Wind 15 mph. Gusts 25 mph.

Interval Day. Tricky gear choice, warm air temp, humid, but wind is cold. Working on about five hours of sleep as tornado siren concert went late into the evening last night. Extend the warm-up to shake out achy legs. Jog to track, one lap to check for clutter, one lap of drills, stop for short stretch out, then one lap with two striders. Total warm-up of 2.61 miles in 24:46.

Time to get in two more VO2 Max sessions prior to 5/7. Going with shorter reps this week. 6 x 1K @ 5K-10K Effort with 400 Meter Jog Intervals.

Rep -- (Pace): Comments.

#1 -- (6:28): On the track. Forgot to turn on distance alert and went 1200 meters before stopping.

#2 -- (6:38): Out into the streets. Started with a long climb up West Lane.

#3 -- (6:14): Some downhill heading into and finishing in City Park.

#4 -- (6:03): Hitting stride. This one mostly into headwind.

#5 -- (6:14): Went out on the parameter of the park to take on some rolling hills in this one.

#6 -- (5:59): Generally flat and fair. About 2:00 minutes into the headwind.

Legs have been achy last 12-18 hours. Butt (glutes) still sore from this weekend. Recovery slow, but also behind a day due to Sunday afternoon race time. Glad to have been able to physically muster the effort necessary to work the cardio at desired level.

First look at the house in the daylight. Still have my entire roof.
