Run: Easy Previous Next


4:46 AM

4 mi


8:24 mi


61 F


Temp 61 Wind 14 mph.

Hill Repeats. Streets wet, but no rain. Two objectives this morning. (1) Hardwire efficient stride with fast turnover and hope it holds for the extra 24 hours I am allowing for pre-race recovery. (2) Final test on GI system using honey for pre-race over GU. Warm-up jog with two surges = 2.23 miles in 18:34.

5 x 60 second hill repeats. Focused, fast, efficient on the way up. Focused, efficient, honest jog back to the bottom. Focused, fast, efficient strider to cap off rep. Leaves time for about a 2:00 minute walk interval. Give myself an A- on execution this morining. Beginning at #2, did not increase effort. Position on hill at 1:00 minute alert indicated that each one was faster than the last.

Cool-down = 1.80 miles in 15:16.
