Run: Easy Previous Next


12:50 PM

8.3 mi


8:10 mi


35 F


Temp 35 (30) Wind 6 mph.

(Not So) Easy Run. Forecast was sunny and 40°. Planned on getting up and going out for 10-12 today after more melting. Woke up to ice fog and a fresh dusting of snow.

Have no energy again. Tried every trick in my arsenal to perk up, but nothing is working. Give up and head out. Side roads are icy, slushy, slop. Main roads are fine, but that is where all the traffic is. Stiff, achy, and uncomfortable just to move. Have had enough after a couple of miles, but only other option is go back home, lay around, and feel like crap. Head over to the track, knock out 2+ miles of laps, then take long route back home running against traffic and trying not to get plucked...on cell phone, on cell phone, smoking cigarette, on cell phone, drinking big glup, smoking cigarette, on cell phone...

Skipping afternoon lift and will probably take all day off from exercise again tomorrow. See if I can get this reversed.
