Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 AM

2.7 mi


7:29 mi


76 F
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Temp 76 Winds Calm. Humidity 87% Dew Point 72°.

AT Tempo on Track. Nasty humidity. Tempo was five laps dodging hurdles in each direction: 10:06 Minutes @ 7:35 Average Pace / Flip On The Fly / 10:14 Minutes @ 7:22 Average Pace. Overall Average Pace = 7:29. Physical execution uneven at times, but aerobic effort smooth start to finish.

Have a contrarian suggestion for when you do apprehend the POS: Since he is so proficient at punching people in the face, before you cuff him to lock him up, let him have one more shot at the "adult" studio owner who had 10-12 year old kids out dancing on the street corner in the downtown bar district at midnight on a weekend...
