Run: Long Previous Next


6:47 AM

4.3 mi


6:42 mi


61 F
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Temp 66 Wind 7 mph. Humidity 83% Dew Point 61°. Only warmed to mid-70s.

Long Run. Day early this week. CBEM joined again by Jeremy S. He's blistered his feet by running barefoot on Destin sand, so cuts out after warm-up. Total Up = 5.15 miles in 43:52. Jogging, drills, and striders.

Workout this week is cut-down intervals...buffet style. (1) 2 miles XC, (2) 1.5 miles rolling hills, (3) 1 mile flat road, (4) 800 on flat road, and (5) 400 on flat road. Plan is to start around 3/4s to HM effort, then work towards 15K to 10K. 400 meter jog intervals in between reps.

2.0 Mile = Average pace 6:38. Maybe out a little fast for this workout, but weather is so much more favorable this morning, maybe not.

1.5 Mile = Average pace 6:30. 1.0 Mile = 6:20. 800 in 3:03 (6:06). 400 in 1:31 (6:04). Overall, very very good. Able to get a cool morning in the middle of a summer heatwave and took full advantage.

Extra easy cool-down as Hammer is experiencing back spasms. 2.05 miles in 17:40. Nickel and two pennies. Quality day.
