Run: Easy Previous Next


4:40 AM

8.5 mi


8:00 mi


30 F


Temp 30 (30) Winds Calm.

20/35/20 Aerobic Run. Odd five days of schedule, intensities, and workouts have legs confused, tired, and drained. Down to CIty Park for warm-up. Two surges with focus on form over turnover or speed. Some wet spots on the park roads. Where they are wet, they are ice. 2.24 miles in 20:00 minutes.

Not expecting to burn it up with a quick pace this morning, so plot out route with the most hills I can get my feet on. City Park to Oak Street, over for two loops around The Orchards, then back on Oak Street to finish in City Park. Splits of 7:30 / 7:25 / 7:07 / 7:06 / 5:52 (7:07). Things clicked in The Orchards. Hill climbing muscles might have been the freshest ones that I had use of. May just be in the strenght and fitness "sweet-spot" of this aerobic cycle.

Need to get around and get to work, so shorten cool-down getting home. Gray cat in the shadows in the middle of the street? Nope, opossum playing opossum. Move around with watchful eye. Don't want one of those rabid bastards gnawing on my ankle. 1.42 miles in 12:47.
