Run: Easy Previous Next


4:40 AM

4 mi


9:14 mi


60 F


Temp 60 Wind 17 mph. Gusts to 25 mph.

AT Track Tempo. Wanting to get outside for one more good workout before dealing with the weekend's weather uncertainty. Jog over to the track. Take one lap of surges with walks for recovery on the turns. One extra surge with a tailwind. Was running into the wind most of the way over.

Go 36:00+ minutes at the tempo effort. Flipped directions mid-way. First 18:00 minutes at 7:28 average pace. Rest of the way at 7:24 average pace. Between the steady wind, the gusts, and having to transition between headwind and tailwind while navigating the turns, it took every ounce of mental focus to stay upright, true to form, and on task. Was very, very good the last 12:00 to 15:00 minutes at running consistently at target effort. Had no idea what the average pace would be before uploading workout. Pleased with the result.

Finish with easy jog back to the house. Dry while on the track. Rained some on me both coming and going.
