Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:10 AM

4.5 mi


7:34 mi


27 F


Temp 27 (22) Wind 4 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. A 16:00 minute jog straight to the track at 8:47 average pace. Walk a lap hitting strides on the straights and walking around the turns.

Workout is 3 x 9:00 minutes with 3:00 minute jog intervals. Start and end with three laps around the track. Streets with hills in The Orchards for everything in between.

1) 9:02 Minutes at 7:27 average pace.

2) 9:17 Minutes at 7:24 average pace.

3) 9:34 Minutes at 7:15 average pace.

4) Jog interval paces = 8:42 / 8:35 all right at 3:00 minutes even.

Might as well have run this blindfolded with ear muffs. Could not see with watery eyes in the total darkness, nor could I hear my time alerts on the watch with my ears covered. Pulled it off with spot on effort anyways. Tad flat on the foot strikes with heavy legs from the weekend; otherwise fine. In a place now (acclimated to current stress levels, easy runs are easy, decent diet, and 7-8 hours sleep each night) where recovery turnaround time is much better than a 55 year old should expect.

Another 16:00 minute jog straight back to the house at 8:55 average pace; some of it with Paul S.
