Run: Long Previous Next


5:03 AM

3.6 mi


8:26 mi


73 F


Temp 73 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 85% Dew Point 69°.

Long Run with Stuff. Park at the swimming pool and start with about half an hour of jogging and 6 x 12-13 second hill sprints. Back at the car for quick rehydration before getting into primary workout.

Plan is 3 x 2000 (1.25) with 400 (0.25) jog intervals mixing the terrain each one. If not already there, heat index should push past 80° before end of workout. Don't mind if I have to start at HM effort as long as I can finish somewhere in 15K-10K range.

#1) -- Average 6:47 pace on flat terrain.

#2) -- Average 6:48 on hills.

#3) -- Average 6:31 on track.

Forgot to set distance alert and ran long on the first one. Overall, just what I needed. Hills sprints primed the legs perfect to get a good start, and hills on #2 rebooted to knock out a fast #3 on the track.

Finished with another 40:00 plus easy jogging. Heat is moving in quick. Will now wait to hear how fast CBEGM co-founder road the newest FSU Seminole in his quest for second 80% 5K in 20 days.

Although picking up mostly small change, figured there was at least a buck in my pocket. Dang, just shy at settle up: Quarter, four dimes, three nickels, and fifteen pennies.
