Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:27 AM

2.7 mi


7:18 mi


78 F


Temp 78 Winds Calm. Humidity 90% Dew Point 75°.

AT Tempo on Hills (20/20/20 Format). Workout day. Weather and life-stuff not being cooperative, so keep it simple, make it effective, and do nothing to bury myself before the weekend. Needing to keep options open for Saturday and Sunday with volatile rain / storm forecast over next few days.

Up = 2.56 miles with a few surges at 8:11 average pace. Grand finality of last night's meteor shower wrapping up.

AT = 2.74 miles at 7:18 average pace. Strong enough to maintain posture, but not a lot of pop otherwise. Sufficient for what I'm doing this morning. Checked watch just after 5:00 minute alert. 7:21 pace. That's reasonable and I'm comfortable. Carry on. Misstep coming up hill at about the 12:00-13:00 minute mark. Felt a twinge in left glute / hamstring area. May have tweeked something, maybe not. Will know for sure over next few days or weeks.

Down = 2.41 miles at 8:19 average pace. Clock punched.
