Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:23 AM

4.1 mi


7:38 mi


30 F


Temp 30 (26) Wind 4 mph.

AT Tempo. Jog to track, then two laps of strides on the straights and jogging through the turns. Total warm up = 2.38 miles at 8:28 average pace.

Original plan for workout was to do AT work in 3 x 9:00 minute intervals. Heard the 3:00 and 21:00 minute alerts, but nothing else. First check of watch for time, was nearly 11:00 minutes in. Went ahead and decided to run it out for half an hour. Started with three laps on track, finished with a lap on the track, rest of the time on hills to, from, and in The Orchards. Relaxed effort, not all that fast. Right zone for workout on this particular day.

Cool down jog back to the house of 1.76 miles at 8:56 average pace.
