Run: Easy Previous Next


6:57 AM

5.3 mi


9:07 mi


75 F


Temp 75 Wind 10 mph. Humidity 78% Dew Point 68°.

Bridge Run. Would say was sucking air start to finish, but no air outdoors to suck. Always try to keep two working Garmins. My $50 used 205 crapped out after three years, so nabbed a new $60 used 305. Appears to read faster than my other 305? Old owner was a "Stacey". Female biker. Fell off the fitness wagon in October 2015, attempted comeback in September 2016, then one more go in December 2018. Strap nearly goes around my wrist twice...must have been a big old gal? Two dimes a nickel, and three pennies.

Continuing to watch many hope, wish, dream, follow, promote, and scold while few review, observe, plan, and prepare.



Reminds me of an old time saying: “ Wish in one hand and take a crap in the other; see which one fills up faster.” Time to prepare and plan was about 5 years ago but better late than never for many.