Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:59 AM

4 mi


6:37 mi


50 F


Temp 50 (WC 50) Wind 3 mph.

Four miles @ Tempo Pace. Goal is to push it hard enough to be faster than 6:45 m/m and stay disciplined enough not to go faster than 6:30 m/m. (McMillan HM Pace is 6:35.)

Splits: 6:36 / 6:44 / 6:34 / 6:40.

Started with two big laps on track to establish feel for pace. Moved into hills in Williams Addition. Good start, slowed in second mile while getting feel of pace in the hills. Third mile near perfect. Good effort and good focus start to finish. What happens when done right. Felt pace slip couple times in last mile. Ran a horrible tangent on one downhill turn and lost stride until road leveled off. Effort there in last mile, but execution may have cost 4-5 seconds on time.

Overall, not too bad considering some rust needed to come off this type of workout. Performance good enough to have got some quality work in.
