Run: Long Previous Next


8:40 AM

3 mi


8:15 mi


27 F
  • Map


Temp 27 (27) Wind 3 mph.

Long Run. CBEM originals bumped from Arena Park by a swap-meet. Move base to Osage Center. About four miles of jogging at 7:50ish. Drills, striders, and a little more jogging for a total Up of 5.38 miles in 44:12. Dime and penny on the warm-up.

Workout is 5 x 1200 (0.75) with 400 (0.25) jog intervals. First three on sections of CWE XC course, last two on the paved LaCroix Trail. Hill early in each XC rep. Looking to get a feel on the first one, then wanting to run the last four as fast as possible while holding strict form. Average paces on first three reps = 6:40 / 6:29 / 6:32. Onto the paved trail and hit a 6:13 / 6:12. Did not hear final alerts on last two and ran 0.77 and 0.86. Shorted the recovery jogs.

North out-and-back for cool-down. 3.01 miles in 24:48. Got in some good quality work this a.m.
