Run: Long Previous Next


7:19 AM

7.4 mi


7:26 mi


75 F
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Temp 75 Wind 10 mph. Humidity 79% Dew Point 63°.

Long Run. With Mutt-Run champ, and still undefeated in 2012, CBEM co-founder. Warm start after a short rain delay. Air is downright oppressive. Warm spots feel like swimming through pee in a pool. Wearing a long sleeve cotton tee over dry fit for heat acclimation. 48:22 minutes of jogging, drills, and striders. 5.36 miles.

Workout today is (1) 3-Mile Cutdown @ 7:00 / 6:45 / 6:30, then (2) 5 x 3:00 Minutes @ 10K/5K with 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals. 5:00 Minute Interval in between.

Change into short sleeve cotton tee which is still warm. Take off not knowing where I'm going. Hit two small rollers in mile one. 6:52. Out a little fast. 6:35. Way too quick on the cut-down, and in today's conditions, have probably screwed any chance for a good interval session. Finish with a 6:34. Very little oxygen in the air. Sun tried to poke through a couple of times to boil this muck. Time to suck it up and toughen up.

Five minutes of jogging, some new liquid in, some old liquid out, and reset the Garmin. Actually took closer to 6:00. On to the intervals. Was going to throw in some hills, but after botching the cutdown, will save the neurological work for another day. Average Paces = 6:20 / 6:10 / 6:07. Notice the breeze has picked up. Run the next one into the wind at 6:14 and the last one with it at my back at 6:00 flat. Much better set than I deserved. Good control and good execution. Will take those any day.

Short 12:00 minute cool-down (1.41 miles). First ride in the new pair of Brooks. Hammer hauls in 26 cents. Only two pennies for me, but not a zero, and only adds to an already profitable week.
