Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:04 AM

4.7 mi


7:36 mi


32 F


Temp 32 Winds Calm.

Hilly AT Tempo. Cup of coffee was a "dud". On my own this morning. Out the door and take about 16:00 minutes to jog over to the Jax Blvd entrance to The Orchards. Hit several surges along the way.

Weather looking like running long on Saturday is a no-go. Will take advantage of the extra day to allow myself some extended tempo time. Started with a plan for 3 x 12:00 intervals, but only hearing every second or third 3:00 minute alert on the Garmin. Shucked that idea and ran out the full 36:00 without a break.

Rolled the hills of The Orchards and Williams Addition. Thrown off stride for several minutes in the middle dancing with the paper delivery woman up and down a couple of streets. Darkness and shadows caused a re-set here and there. Otherwise able to fully focus on effort and was spot on cardio zone for bulk of minutes.

Finished with cool down jog back to the house. Ran for free.
