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7:06 AM

8 mi


8:24 mi


73 F


Temp 73 (73) Wind 4 mph. Humidity 81% Dew Point 67.

IIB Day. Long, hilly route to the track. Drill set with plyo drills and striders. Mowers out and on the grounds this morning making the nasty air nastier. 2:00 minute stretch out, then jog over to City Park. Total of 6.35 miles in 53:10.

12 x 10-12 Second Hill Repeats w/ 2:00 Minute Walk Intervals. Alternated each rep between hill springing and hill running. 1.31 miles in 26:00 minutes.

Jog home for a cool-down. 1.66 miles in 14:03.
