Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


5:26 AM

1.3 mi


12:02 mi


70 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 70 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 96% Dew Point 69°.

Hour with Hill Sprints, Drills, and Strides. Few less miles, few more calories, few more minutes of sleep, and its amazing the surge in recovery. Noticed within first ten minutes there were pockets of air where the humidity would engulf me. On again, off again sprinkles 10:00 - 40:00 minutes. Steady to heavy rain the rest of the way. Better today than this weekend.

Up = 4.36 miles at 8:45 average pace.

5 x 0:15 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk recoveries. As should be expected, low-water bridge is under-water bridge this morning. Had to jog around the creek to get to tennis court parking area for drills and striders. Two full sets with three strides. About 16:00 minutes total.

Down = 2.61 miles at 8:41 average pace. Mentally alert and sharp this morning. Made it easy to ignore the wet, sticky mess and just go about my business. Nickel and a penny.
