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4:18 AM

3.3 mi


3.91 mi / hr


76 F


Temp 76 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 89% Dew Point 73°.

Track Run / Walk Intervals. Day of truth...did I screw up on Tuesday?

1) Walk 1.62 mile route to the track in 24:26.

2) Run / Walk 2.05 miles in 22:55.

3) Walk 1.68 mile route back to house in 26:13.

Light to steady rain with a couple of brief downpours. Easy to block that out. Harder to focus on correct running movement and not on calf waiting to see if something bad may happen. First sign of lightning coincided with first signs of tingling in two outside toes on right foot. Lightning in distant cloud. Another lap and a half with some toe tingling, but no calf issues. Continuing on, but prepared to stop to prevent set-back at any time. Lighting bolt shoots across sky less than two miles away. There is my sign. Stop and head home. Overall, better than average success. Real Lesson of the Day: Same rules that apply to driving through standing water should be used when walking though standing water in the dark.
