Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:06 AM

4.5 mi


7:16 mi


35 F


Temp 35 (30) Wind 6 mph.

Tempo Intervals. Back over to the track. Jog about 12:00 minutes at 8:17 average pace. Another 10:00 minutes of drills and strides.

Recognize the need (mentally) for some 2000s. Will go with 3 x 2000 (5 laps) with 400 (1 lap) recovery jogs. Just going to run them. Physically not in a good place. Road weary and out of sorts. Rubbery legs and tight hips. Got comfortable somewhere around a HM effort on third lap, and kept it there. Average 7:02 / 7:07 / 7:01 on the 2000s. Could not muster turnover to push things past middle of T-Zone. Flipped directions between #2 and #3. Pace rebounded due to better execution of left turns than last few right turns.

Easy 15:00 minute cool down at 9:00 average pace. Always beneficial to get outside comforts of home and find a way to get in any form quality work. Got in the mental work needed. Spotted a dime and a penny next to the bleachers during slower laps.
