Run: Easy Previous Next


5:14 AM

5.2 mi


9:38 mi


67 F


Temp 67 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 76% Dew Point 59 degrees.

Hour - 20% = 48:00 Minutes @ Easy Effort. Nice morning. Only runner out. Either everyone is on M/W/F plan, or I didn't get invited to any Larbor Day cookouts. Right leg behind left leg on recovery progress.

Straight to the track for some low-impact drills. Skipping, carioca, butt-kicks, marching, foot-shuffles. Mixed in three striders. Jogging pace in low 9s.

Found a dime on way home. This on the heels of my $0.26 Sunday. Aware the humane thing to do is to leave the coinage for any homeless person that may come along; however, as Robert Duvall would rationalize: "Charlie don't jog."
