Run: Easy Previous Next


4:59 AM

4.5 mi


8:22 mi


48 F


Temp 48 Winds Calm.

AT Tempo Run. 20/25/20 format on track and streets with hills. Warm up of 2.39 miles with surges at 8:08 average pace.

Start tempo with three laps on the track. Settle in quickly and running relaxed. Averaging 7:08 heading out the gate onto the roads. Maintain the effort while rolling the hills, then return to finish with one more track lap. Average 7:13 off-track for an overall 7:12 average pace. Spot on effort for the workout, never pushed and never slacked. First signs of benefits from last 30 days of increased lower body strength training. Do need to direct additional focus on hip flexors as fatigue knocked around 23:00-24:00 minute mark.

Cool down back to the house. 2.12. miles at 8:38 average pace.
