Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:07 AM

6.2 mi


6:57 mi


71 F
  • Map


Temp 71 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 97% Dew Point 69°.

Alternating Tempo Run. Went to bed resigned to the fact that I would have to do this on a TM. Catch a break in the storms, so outdoors it is. Commented a few days ago that weather was as bad as it could be...I was wrong. No rain or mist, but can feel water droplets hitting face. Checked the charts, with temp + dew point = 170, can expect to see a 3% (10-15 seconds per mile) effect on tempo pace.

Bottom, outside of left forefoot began to ache yesterday afternoon. Started icing. This has happened after doing one-leg plyo jumps. Had re-introduced them to my Wednesday afternoon workout. Hurts like hell for 2-3 days when not running, but goes away. Probably need to drop these type of jumps all together.

Up = 2.55 miles at 7:57 average pace. Two surges.

Alternating Tempo. Original plan was 1 x 2K and 2 x 3K with 4 x 1K. Switch off due to conditions to 4 x 2K with 5 x 1K in case I have to cut this short. Want to get in as many Ks at 15K/10K effort as possible.

1K @ 7:05 average pace. First mile of HM is downhill, so started at top of West Lane hill and ran down and over to track. Think I will do this on all these runs from here on out.

2K @ 6:35 average pace.

1K @ 7:15 average pace.

2K @ 6:35 average pace.

1K @ 7:31 average pace. Start to fade on MP effort.

2K @ 6:43 average pace. Did not clear lactic acid during MP interval. Hold form all the way through, but cannot maintain turnover. Swarm of gnats now hovering on south end of track and getting caked each time through.

1K @ 7:49 average pace. Way too soft, but all I have. Take a gnat square in the eyeball. Almost have to stop, but run it out. Checked Garmin and saw MP effort was 7:49. This one is over, nothing more to gain.

Down = 2.12 miles at 8:50 average pace. Tried to pick it up several times, but all I could do and keep the effort "easy". Had this discussion a couple of days ago with CBEM co-founder. In a training context, there is no recovery / adaption benefit to a "death march" stimulus; so don't do one. Home and caked in bugs.

Tempo run probably at least a "tie". Gotta call the overall run a "win". Hell, got in nearly 11 miles today.
