Run: Run/Walk Previous Next


5:30 AM

7.9 mi


10:05 mi


50 F


Temp 50 Wind 14 mph.

Cut-Down Run/Walk. A chilly 50° with the wind. Rehab 101 tells you that its not so much what you can do one day, its how you feel the next. Tired after big day yesterday, but all the important parts feel strong and are functioning normal.

Begin the morning with run / walk. Walk for 10:00 minutes, then jog for 5:00 (8:39) and walk another 5:00. Move into cut-down sessions of 20:00 minutes (8:21), 15:00 minutes (8:05), and 10:00 minutes (7:51). Walked 5:00 minute intervals after each. Ran a little over half the 20:00 with Paul S. Damn, that 10:00 was fun.

Walked about another hour before heading back to thaw out. Came home light in the pockets...only a dime and six pennies.
