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4:49 AM

2 mi


8:47 mi


76 F


Temp 76 Winds Calm. Humidity 91% Dew Point 73°.

Sharpening Day. About 15:00 minutes of jogging with several surges to prime. Will sharpen with hills to race the flat course. Four rounds of:

1) 0:60 Seconds Up.

2) Jog Down.

3) Flat Stride at Bottom.

4) Jog / Walk Recovery.

Pretty good going up hill, even with numerous traffic distractions. Struggled harnessing current peek strength, turnover quickness, and speed on the strides. Difficulty with vision in the darkness was primary cause. Still topping at 6:30ish to 6:15ish. Won't be dark on race day.

Short 10:00 minute easy jog back to the house. One penny.
