Run: Long Previous Next


5:15 AM

1.5 mi


9:00 mi


64 F


Temp 64 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 90% Dew Point 61°.

Time on Feet Long Run. Couple of hours give-or-take. Shake out with an easy jog down to the park. Hit 6 x hill sprints to sharpen up. Interesting...always run these from the same Point A to Point B on Russell Street hill. Can not remember anytime in the last year or two that I was not in the 13-15 second range. This morning, the last four were all in the 11-12 second range?

Cruise town for about 90:00 minutes. Go 10.48 miles at an 8:32 average pace with nearly 950 feet of inclines. Park, out to DQ, back to uptown, out to the civic center, then finish up back at high school. Walk some while rehydrating. Used the jog back to the house as a "cool down", but ended up running the same pace as the last hour and a half. Good thing I didn't use Galloway or it would have been a "fast finish" long run. Three quarters, a dime, three nickels, and twenty-four pennies.
