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5:21 AM

0.6 mi


15:14 mi


58 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 58 Winds Calm. Humidity 96%.

Long Run. Nice morning to do this. Nothing special planned; just a couple of hours on my feet. Right leg sore off and on yesterday afternoon and last night. Several possibilities: (1) couple new ancillary strength movements started last week, (2) sloppy tempo run on uneven and unstable surfaces with several tight turns, and (3) ran it in heavy trainers that are normally worn when running 80-90 seconds per mile slower. Rolled it out yesterday afternoon and it feels fine when I am moving.

Start in the dark with 2.07 miles at 8:07 average pace down to City Park. Short (8:59 minutes), low-impact drill set to complement yesterday's short hill sprints. Ran my Main Street / Veterans Parkway / Jax Blvd loop backwards. Back into town and over to Casey's where I called it a day and went in for a G02 that I drank while walking the rest of the way home. Ran the hilly 12.08 mile loop at a 7:49 average pace. Nickel and nine pennies along the way.

Caring less and less about Tuesday's race time. Week ago, the forecast was for mid 80s. Keeps creeping up every update. This morning The Weather Channel is calling for 95°.
