Run: Easy Previous Next


4:47 AM

5.1 mi


7:41 mi


75 F


Temp 75 Wind 8 mph. Humidity 84% Dew Point 70°.

Fast Twitch Day. Weather conditions just about as crappy as yesterday. Up = 20:01 minutes at 7:43 average pace. Turnover felt quick, but pace felt natural and easy.

Strength Endurance Circuit. 15:44 minutes of 200 meter striders, 100 meter striders, bounding, springing, and jump squats.

Down = 19:23 minutes at 7:39 average pace. Not as much "fresh pop" as there was on the warm-up, but with sharping effect of workout, felt just as natural and easy at slightly faster pace. Came home through City Park and stopped at skate park to coin collect. Two dimes and two pennies.
