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8:16 AM

5.9 mi


7:00 mi


63 F
  • Map


Temp 63 Wind 4 mph.

Long Run with Stuff. Steve Magness term for old fashion CBEGM Sunday Workout. Park at Jr. High and jog a 1.69 mile route to City Park at 8:39 average pace. Drills, strides, and 4 x 0:12 second hill repeats for next 20:00 minutes. Take a 2.08 mile route back to Jr. High at 8:24 average pace. Change shoes and walk to the track.

Workout plan is 6 x 1200 (three laps) with 400 (one lap) jog. Starting with HM effort, would like to see if I am able to work down to 10K. Ear is clogged up again, so not sure if that will be a factor.

1200 @ 6:43 Average Pace -- First lap too fast and ended up starting closer to 15K. Skies opened and its pissing rain with gusts of wind (this was not on the radar).

1200 @ 6:45 Average Pace -- Ignoring elements, got stride, turnover, and mental focus locked in. 15K effort is great for 10K training, so switching plans. Will hold effort and double interval length to 2400 for last two.

2400 @ 6:44 Average Pace. 2400 @ 6:44 Average Pace. Last two rain, steady rain, hard rain, mist, wind gusts, hell, the sun poked through the clouds twice. Regardless, total lock in. Soaked to bones. Jog the last 400 and decide to take my cool down indoors.

Final 22:00 minutes extra slow and easy on the TM while doing lower body lift.

Three dimes and six pennies.
