Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:59 AM

6.6 mi


7:19 mi


70 F


Temp 70 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 88% Dew Point 66°.

Long Run with AT Tempo Intervals. Near normal Friday followed by a Saturday that only hit about 7.5 on the chaos-scale. Will take a shot at a workout today. A 136 misery index feels amazing after days and weeks of 150s. Don't even notice the reality of 136 until after moving for several minutes.

Up = About 20:00 minutes of jogging at 8:36 average pace. Follow that with two full drill sets and four strides. Back to car to rehydrate and change shoes.

Workout = AT Tempo Intervals on Flat/Rolling Terrain. Original plan was 2 x 16:00 with a 4:00 jog interval. Averaged 7:17 for the first 16:00, then 7:07 for the next. Core was tall, straight, and true. Stride flawless. Cardio on cruise control. Focus in the zone. Hell, keep it rolling. Take a second jog interval, then hit another 8:00 at 6:59. When all said and done, 48:00 minutes total for 6.57 miles at 7:19 overall average pace.

Down = Back into the Vazees for another three plus miles at 8:13 average pace. One quarter and some pennies (7).
